Sunday, November 4, 2012


Well I have been neglecting my goal to write on our blog every month but I am going to try to be better. Our biggest news in the past month is that we were in a car accident about 3 weeks ago and our car was totaled.  We were coming home from Lucas' professor's home on a Sunday night after a dinner and get-together. We were two lights away from being home when a guy turning left failed to yield at the intersection and hit the front/corner of our car. Thankfully everyone was fine and there were no injuries... however we were all very emotional about the experience. Once we found out our car was totaled we then purchased a new car that same day. It is a 2005 Nissan Altima with about 100,000 miles on it. We are loving the car and it gets much better gas mileage then our previous car.

Oliver is doing really well.  He is seven months old now and really enjoys making noises!  He 'talks' a lot and loves making other noises.  He has a new found love of water.  He has a sippy cup and a little water bottle, both of which he loves to drink from.  Sometimes he drinks so much we have to take the drink away from him for fear of him overdosing. He is doing really well sitting up now.  He is getting up on his hands well, but hasn't started to crawl yet.  Oliver also really enjoys eating food now!  He eats broccoli, sweet potatoes, pears etc.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

St. Louis Our New Home

So we are finally here is the great city of St. Louis, MO and we are loving this city. There are so many fun activities to do here and almost everything is free! We have been to the zoo twice, the arch a couple of times, walked downtown, and scoped out the great parks here.

Our new place is a duplex townhouse with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It is huge!! We have several great LDS neighbors that live really close. Our ward is wonderful as well and the majority of the members are students and young couples just like us. We have been having over a different couple each Sunday night to play games and have dessert.

So Lucas has started law school and he is working a ton but is really enjoying his classes and has already felt like he has learned a ton. He is taking the following classes: contracts, criminal law, civil procedure, and a research and writing class.

I am currently studying for the CPA exam and hope to have all of my exams taken and passed by the beginning of next year. I have also made lots of new friends and we get together for play group and go to different thrifts around the city. Also we have a new calling in the ward--- we are nursery workers and we are having a lot of fun with that---there are 15 kids!!

Well our little baby boy is turning 6 months old this week and I can't believe it. He is sitting up on his own and loves eating and drinking big kids food. There are times when I am trying to eat around him that I have to stop because he wont stop staring at me and I just feel bad! Also he is in love with watching the TV which I try not to let him do very often. However if he is just really fussy and I can't make him happy I will turn on a Baby Einstein movie for him to watch:) We also started sleep training Oliver because I just couldn't take waking up with him 4-6 times every night. He wasn't sleeping well and neither was I so it just wasn't working! It was hard to let him cry but within a couple of days he was sleeping great and only waking up once a night. Also we went cold turkey with his pacifier and I am happy to report he has been pacifier free for the past three weeks.  

Also this summer we spent time with Lucas' family at their house and we also attended the Illinois State  fair for a week.... that is right a whole week! We saw the different exhibits, some of the judged shows, some musical numbers, and ate tons of fair food. Also I milked a cow for my very first time! We all had a great time and we enjoyed spending time with the family.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Photo Book

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Deppermann Update

I just wanted to give everyone a little update on our lives right now. We have two new members of our family, Bert and Ernie, our two little guppy fishes. We had a crazy itching to be spontaneous so we bought some fish:) Also Lucas is finishing up his last term at BYU and very excited to be done and to have a break before starting law school...even though the break will be short. Also I have started sewing more and I have made a tank top and a shirt and have plans to sew a lot more! I have really enjoyed it but my sewing machine isn't the best so it makes it really hard to make anything. But I am still loving being a stay-at-home mom and a homemaker. We are eating real meals for the first time in our marriage! We are also busy planning our move to St. Louis which is fast approaching! Lucas and I have also started a running competition to see who can run the most miles this summer. We were doing really well the first two weeks but last week neither of us ran at all!!.... To be fair I was sick for the first part of the week. Well that is all for us right now...more to come later!

Family hike on Memorial Day

Bridal Veil Falls

New fish tank

Bert and Ernie 

2 Months Old!

Oliver had his 2 month birthday on Saturday and I can't believe he is already 2 months old! The time has flown by since we were taking him home from the hospital. Well at his checkup we found out that he is 12 lbs 3 oz and he is now 24 inches tall.  He is a big growing boy and so cute...we love him. He has slept 6 hours at a time twice now and so I hope that just continues to increase on nighttime sleeping. He is also smiling now and having less poopy diapers which is so great:) He is still spitting up like a champion but we have decided to take him off the medicine he has been on because we haven't seen a real improvement while being on the medicine. We are working hard to get him to hold up his head by himself and look forward to when he can LOL!

Mother's Day

Well I felt like the most important mother in the world this Mother's Day and it was only my first one! Lucas and Oliver made the day so wonderful for me. The day started with Lucas helping me with Oliver at night. Then Lucas made me breakfast in bed and then sent me out on a scavenger hunt to find my Mother's Day gift. The clues for the gift were hidden all over the house and the clues started with our dates and then went to our engagement and then marriage. It was such a cute idea and I had so much fun! The clues led me to Oliver's room where I had to search for my gift. My gift was a pearl necklace with diamonds on the top and then diamond earrings! I was so spoiled and Lucas just kept telling me he wanted to make my first Mother's Day very special...and that it was! We then got ready for church and had a great time and Oliver was really good too which was a bonus. Then we made hamburgers for dinner and then I got to choose our activity for the night which was Disney Scene It. I am so grateful for my wonderful husband and adorable baby boy who mean the world to me. I look forward to the many more Mother's Day in the future.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We finally made it....Graduation!!

Well with the birth of our little boy and finishing up school, life was pretty crazy. Thankfully we had family come down to visit and help watch Oliver so that I could still go to my classes. Well we finished up those last few weeks and then finals and I was just grateful to pass...the thought of A's weren't even on my mind.... C's get degrees!! However I am happy to report I have never had a C in all of my education. Well we had both of our parents at our graduation and that was so wonderful. Lucas and I have both worked so hard to excel in our college education and those degrees are proof of that. However Lucas still has law school to tackle but I know he will do great. Also we have finally decided on a law school...drum roll please... we are going to Washington University in St. Louis, MO. We are leaving at the end of July and we are so excited!!

Well for the graduation I walked in Lucas' college so that we could spare our family only one convocation... they are extremely long and boring! We had a great time and then enjoyed going out to eat with the different families.