Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

So this was our first Memorial Day weekend and we wanted to make it a good one. However the weather didn’t want to cooperate with us so it rained almost the entire weekend! Despite the poor weather we decided to buy a small grill from Deseret Industries to have our first BBQ with. Well Lucas being a man found great excitement in the new grill and needless to say we have had a BBQ every day since…which I have loved as well. We have grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, and our favorite, corn-on-the-cob! It has been such a blast and we hope that we can have a sunny day soon to grill and play outside. We had Lee and Sarah over for our BBQ on Monday and after the dinner we headed to Utah Lake for our first fish of the season. Lucas and I didn’t catch anything but ended up playing catch with a baseball but Sarah catch a fish so I considered the night a success. Also that weekend we cleaned the house, went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4, did some work in the garden, and made some mud pie.  

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The exciting life of Luke and Lauren

So I always told myself I would never be a person with a blog...but look at me now I have a blog. The reasoning behind this blog is that I am not very good about writing in my journal mainly because of my poor handwriting and spelling skills. A blog will help me with both of these problem and it will help my family and friends know what is going on in our life. Also I love pictures so this will give me a good reason to use our amazing camera (thanks mom!)

So now a little bit about Lucas and I and how we meet. We have been married now for 5 and half wonderful months and we are both currently attending school. We were married on December 17th, 2010 in the Salt Lake City Temple. It was a beautiful winter afternoon and everything turned out just perfect. We meet in our ward and started dating after about a year of us knowing each other. On one of our first dates we went mini-golfing and Lucas told me that if I got a hole-in-one on the last hole that we would be happy forever (and I am sure he meant together also) and after a poor game of mini-golf on my part I made a hole-in-one on my last shot and like he promised we have been happy ever since... and together! He is the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without his strength, charm, and love everyday!